If you dream of Hadokens and Shoryukens, then this, my friend, is your weekend.

Make sure to follow the progress of HI Capacity’s own, James Wang (@synthes1s), as he competes against the top 1800 Super Street Fighter IV players in the world at Evo 2K in Las Vegas, from Friday, July 29th through Sunday, July 31.

What’s Evo?

Taken directly from their FAQ,

Evo (short for Evolution) is the world's largest fighting game event. Going on for now over a decade, Evo is the must-attend event for fighting game fans and competitors all over the world. Over three days, Evo hosts a variety of fighting game tournaments, exhibitions, and a free-play area where gamers can compete, meet up, and generally have a good time.

Make sure to follow the live streams at Evo 2K to see how James (wangbus / Leviathan are his handles) does throughout the tournament. If you’re a hardcore gamer, make sure to check out Nocturna Lounge on Friday to watch live streams of the event -> RSVP here!

Go James! :D