On a recent visit to the LA Crashspace, Steve Goldstein gave me a tour of the 1500 square foot space that included a conference room, multiple machinery rooms, a storage area with unused machines, an area for snacks/drinks, and a bathroom/shower. He even demoed some of the cool gadgets they have been working. I even got a laser cutter demo!
Quite the sight to see.
Taking a look at their space confirms my feeling that it’s very possible to open a similar space in Honolulu. After all, Crash isn’t some hacker castle filled with mythical coders and makers. It’s a building with walls, tools and people just like you and me.
Here at HI Capacity, we’re working extemely hard to get a space up and running as quickly as possible. Our goal right now is to get a space with a table and some chairs. A place whose focus will be to build a community of do-ers producing cool things. We may not have all the tools and space lke Crash in the beginning. That’s OK, the machines will eventually come.
What we will have in place is the right culture to get things done.
Our vision is to create a maker ecosystem like LA Crashspace. With everyone’s contribution, we’ll create something amazing - A vibrant community of creatives coming together to teach, make, inspire and do.
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