DevLeague is having a virtual meetup that will focus on an introduction to web applications using NodeJS and Express. They will take you through building a simple demo web application and have a Q&A session afterwards. If your are interested in attending you must RSVP on Meetup. Please refer to the Meetup page for more information.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Lucky-We-Code-Hawaii/events/214817812/
When: Thursday, November 6, 2014 @ 6pm to 8pm
Where: Online
Immediately following the intro to web applications session is the Meteor session. They will be introducing the Meteor platform as well as taking attendees through a sample app. There will also be a show and tell for those who are already building their applications with Meteor. For for information see the Meetup page.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Lucky-We-Code-Hawaii/events/216730502/
When: Thursday, November 6, 2014 @ 8pm to 10pm
Where: Online