We’ve had a busy Summer! Sorry these are late but here is a look at what has been happening in the community the past few weeks :D. Stop by HICapacity any week night or shoot us an email to see what fun new project/event is underway.
Reboot the Commute at Bytemarks Cafe http://www.bytemarkscafe.org/2015/05/27/episode-352-reboot-the-commute-may-27-2015/
“First we’ll cover some local science and tech stories, then we’ll talk with a couple of news guests.”
Start up Week Honolulu http://www.eventbrite.com/e/startup-weekend-workshop-series-tickets-16846013881?aff=es2
Intro to Lean Startups - 5/28 Agile Project Development - 6/4
Fireside Chat with Joel Gasoigne https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fireside-chat-with-joel-gascoigne-tickets-17126685377
“Join us for a relaxed discussion and Q&A with one of the leaders of the software startup scene.”
SMACSS Some Sense into CSS http://www.meetup.com/dynamic/events/223228318/
“Writing simpler CSS with Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS (Or SMACSS)”“
Oahu Agile Project Management Meetup http://www.meetup.com/HawaiiAgile/events/223536831/
“How Agile can be applied to running a business, especially those with limited resources like startups.”
Node School http://nodeschool.io
“Open source workshops that teach web software skills. Do them on your own or at a workshop nearby.”
Python Weekly http://www.eventbrite.com/e/python-weekly-tickets-17777497975
"A place for seasoned Pythonistas and aspiring code monkeys, alike. Join us for your weekly fix of Python programming."</br></br>
Wetware Wednesdays http://htdc.org/wetwarewed/
"Software Developers Networking Event"</br></br>
Stay Tuned for these Upcoming/Reoccurring Events in the Community!
#events #coding #startups #css #nodeschool #bytemarkscafe #smacss #fireside #python #pyhawaii #wetwarewed