For our third monthly meetup, we’ll be asking the question, “What’s your workflow?” This discussion was sparked by the a fellow HiCapacity member (fellow capacitor?). He noticed that whenever he was working with someone at a hackathon or Startup Weekend, another developer always had some sort of shortcut that he’d never seen before. Whether it was a simple keystroke that would save him half a second or a full framework that made building webpages simpler, there was always something to learn. So let’s go over what tools you use to work your craft. Let’s talk about specifics here. What’s your IDE? What plugins do you run? What extra tools do you use to make thing easier for you? We can even talk about what keystrokes save you that extra half second. Because we know even half a second here and there help out tremendously over time.

Apart from tools, we can also discuss workflow hacks that make building applications smoother. Let’s talk about how you set up your directory structure to make your intent clearer, how you arrange icons on your desktop to keep the things within your view, we can even go over proper hardware setups! Two monitors? Three monitors? Specific type of keyboard you really like that everyone should use? Mouse or touchpad?

As with most of our discussions, please come prepared to talk and be engaged. Let’s make sure we have a lively discussion going because the more people are involved the more tips we can share. You never know, maybe that one thing you thought everyone knew, is something nobody bothered to think about.

When: Thursday, February 20, 2014 7:00pm

Where: HI Capacity (in the Box Jelly), 307a Kamani Street Honolulu, 96813. (Please park on Ward Ave, Kamani street, or surrounding street parking).

Register for this event now at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/discussion-series-whats-your-workflow-tickets-10337276071

Edward Kim

Edward Kim is a developer for Lockheed Martin and Slickage Studios. He graduated from the University of Manoa with a Bachelor of Science degree in Information and Computer Science. Since graduating, he has mainly focused on building web services and applications for both the client and server side. He’s also has experience building Machine Learning Frameworks and A.I. type applications, worked with GIS type applications for the military, and has also dabbled in buzz words like Big Data and Cloud.


Hello everyone! We will be doing our second condutive paint workshop! If you want to see what we did at the first one check out our photos on Facebook here. This time around we will be doing the same house again so if you attended the first one this may not be as interesting for you. But you’re still welcome to join us again if you like!

Interested in learning about simple circuits? Enjoy making things light up? Join us for our conductive paint workshop!

This is a simple project where art meets electronics. We’ll be decorating and designing paper houses and lighting them up using conductive paint! No wires or soldering involved here!

In addition, Bob will be doing a little electronics 101 to explain how the circuit works and why things work the way they do. From there you can light up any mini project of your own using conductive paint!

We’ve done a couple sample houses. Check them out here:

For this workshop we will be providing a kit with all the pieces necessary to make one of these houses. The fee for the workshop is $5 to cover the cost of the parts in the kit. We will also provide Xacto knives, scissors, and markers to cut out and decorate your houses. However, we may not have enough to go around at once so if you want to bring your own Xacto knives and markers feel free to do so.

NOTE: Please bring $5 in exact change to the workshop for the kit! We are not accepting payment online this time.

Reserver your spot for this event now at: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/conductive-paint-electronics-101-2-tickets-10337328227

When: Thursday, February 6, 2014 @ 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Where: HI Capacity (in the Box Jelly), 307a Kamani Street Honolulu, 96813. (Please park on Ward Ave, Kamani street, or surrounding street parking).


We hope everyone is having a good new year!

We haven’t done this in quite a long time and the HI Capacity space has come quite a long way. Join us after a year of being in our own space to talk about some current challenges that we have been and are facing. There are a lot of pros and cons about our current situation and we will be addressing the changes for our beloved hackerspace.

Although we want to provide the best experience for members at a very good rate, it has become an issue for us financially and we need to take action to be able to sustain the space.

Value for the members need to be very concrete and put forth to the public. Although we would love all the support we can get from the community, we need to also have a compelling product for not just the members but for the public as a whole. Our public events have been proven to be worthwhile to the tech community but we need to provide more for our existing paying members to differentiate the membership value. The purpose of this all-hands meeting is to take in public’s opinions with a Q and A session with what people are looking for in the space, both physically and virtually.

Please join us on the 23rd of January @ 7PM for the HI Capacity all hands meeting!

RSVP on Eventbrite: http://hicap-allhands2014.eventbrite.com
